舊 2006-06-07, 04:09 PM
DavidYuan 的頭像
DavidYuan DavidYuan 目前離線
註冊日期: 2004-07-15
文章: 1,364
預設 25$ Google Ad 奖金.

有一份25$的GOOGLE Adwords 奖金,低价廉让.,谁要请PM给我.

If you don't have an AdWords account, and would like to create one with a $25 credit:
As a way to thank you for your interest and your patience, here's a gift from us to you � a credit worth US $25 that you can use to get started with AdWords. (This is for new AdWords accounts only. A small AdWords activation fee may apply; please review the terms at the bottom of this email.)
1. To claim your US $25 gift and get started with AdWords, click here.
2. Find the Sign Up Now section and click Click to begin. Follow the instructions to set up your account and create your campaign (it's easy).
3. Open the AdWords activation email that's sent to you and log in to your AdWords account.
4. Click the My Account tab and click Billing Preferences.