舊 2005-01-11, 09:23 PM
choachukang choachukang 目前離線
註冊日期: 2004-11-13
文章: 712
預設 [新聞].CN IDNs will become available as of January 17th 2005

.CN IDNs will become available as of January 17th 2005

Internationalized domain names (IDNs) represent the next step in the evolution of the Web. They enable domain names to be spelled with non-English, non-ASCII character sets, and they hold unlimited possibilities for companies with global aspirations.

Therefore CNNIC (the official registry for .CN Domains) and NeuLevel Inc. will officially launch .CN IDNs on January 17th 2005. IDNs will only be launched for chinese characters and beneath .CN directly. You will NOT be able to register IDNs beneath com.CN, net.CN or org.CN.

China and the Asia-Pacific in general have been the fastest growing markets in the world and are expected to continue to experience explosive growth in the years to come. Chinese is also one of the most spoken languages in the world because of its large population. If your customers seek to do business online in China (and reach over 56 million Chinese-speaking consumers in the Asia-Pacific region's most
dynamic marketplace), urge them to register and use IDNs in the .CN domain!

All the Best!